The first post was just a quick post to show people the commands to use to create a ZFS root filesystem, with a small UFS grub boot partition. This post is an update using a fresh solaris install with comments of what is happening. Most of the steps follow
Tabriz's blog on
First step is to do a clean Solaris install which I will leave out all the details except my setup used the following partitioning -
c0d0s0 /grub 150MB Location of the UFS grub boot code
c0d0s1 swap 1GB Standard Swap/Dump partition
c0d0s3 / 4GB Install/Upgrade UFS partition.
c0d0s7 ZFS all the rest later configured as "intdisk" pool, which contains
ZFS root & clones plus home directories etc
Once you have installed all of your standard software and configuration, now the fun begins.
Create a zfs pool, and turn off mounting filesystems by default
zpool create -f -m none intdisk c0d0s7
Create a zfs partition for the root filesystem. Being on a laptop, I am saving space by turning on compression. It may also give a performance boost at the same time. Note that I am using a symbolic name for the partition name. Later I am going to clone the filesystem and create a test environment.
zfs create intdisk/snv42_root
zfs set mountpoint=legacy intdisk/snv42_root
zfs set compression=on intdisk/snv42_root
Create a mountpoint for the zfs root and use ufsdump/ufsrestore to copy all of the UFS root filesystem. You could use cpio or tar, but you also want the data underneath /devices.
mkdir -m 0755 /zfsroot
echo "intdisk/snv42_root - /zfsroot zfs - yes -" >> /etc/vfstab
mount /zfsroot
cd /zfsroot
ufsdump 0f - / | ufsrestore -rf -
Configure /etc/system on zfs root to use the correct zfs filesystem. This configuation actually gets used by the kernel from within the boot archive, and gets copied each time you update the archive. Also make sure the zpool configuration gets added to the boot archive, and use a classic onliner to up the vfstab on the zfs root.
echo "rootfs:zfs" >> /zfsroot/etc/system
echo "zfsroot:intdisk/snv42_root" >> /zfsroot/etc/system
echo "etc/zfs/zpool.cache" >> /zfsroot/boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk
grep -v 'intdisk/snv42_root' /etc/vfstab | awk '$3 == "/" { printf "intdisk/snv42_root\t-\t/\tzfs\t-\tno\t-\n" } ; $3 != "/" { print $0 }' > /zfsroot/etc/vfstab
Create a modified hack from
Tabriz's blog to fix bootadm.
mv /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm.real
cat - > /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm << EOM
/sbin/bootadm.real "\$@"
if [ "\$1" = "update-archive" -a -d /grub/boot/grub ]; then
/usr/bin/cp /platform/i86pc/boot_archive /boot/boot_archive
exit 0
chmod +x /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm
Now we are ready to update the boot archive and configure grub. The "root (hd0,0,a)" should point to the grub partition.
/usr/sbin/bootadm update-archive -R /zfsroot
cp -pr /zfsroot/boot /grub
cp /zfsroot/platform/i86pc/boot_archive /grub/boot/boot_archive
echo "title Solaris ZFS"
echo "root (hd0,0,a)"
echo "kernel /boot/multiboot"
echo "module /boot/boot_archive"
) >> /grub/boot/grub/menu.lst
cd /grub/boot/grub
installgrub stage1 stage2 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0
Now you can reboot, and if all goes well you should be able to use the new entry in the grub menu to boot into the zfs partition. Ok, if it all looks good, lets try to configure another zfs root partition using a clone. To create copy we simply do a snapshot and a clone of the current zfs root partition. I am naming this partition "snv42_test". Note the changes...
zfs snapshot intdisk/snv42_root@initial
zfs clone intdisk/snv42_root@initial intdisk/snv42_test
zfs set mountpoint=legacy intdisk/snv42_test
zfs set compression=on intdisk/snv42_test
echo "intdisk/snv42_test - /zfsroot zfs - yes -" >> /etc/vfstab
mount /zfsroot
Follow similar steps you used last time. Again note the changes I have done to the boot archive name and filesystem name.
sed -e "s/snv42_root/snv42_test/" /etc/system > /zfsroot/etc/system
grep -v 'intdisk/snv42_test' /etc/vfstab | awk '$3 == "/" { printf "intdisk/snv42_test\t-\t/\tzfs\t-\tno\t-\n" } ; $3 != "/" { print $0 }' > /zfsroot/etc/vfstab
cat - > /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm << EOM
/sbin/bootadm.real "\$@"
if [ "\$1" = "update-archive" -a -d /grub/boot/grub ]; then
/usr/bin/cp /platform/i86pc/boot_archive /boot/boot_archive.test
exit 0
chmod +x /zfsroot/sbin/bootadm
/usr/sbin/bootadm update-archive -R /zfsroot
cp /zfsroot/platform/i86pc/boot_archive /grub/boot/boot_archive.test
echo "#"
echo "title Solaris ZFS test"
echo "root (hd0,0,a)"
echo "kernel /boot/multiboot"
echo "module /boot/boot_archive.test"
) >> /grub/boot/grub/menu.lst
Now you should be able to reboot, and you should now have a cloned test environment. Only changes from the original filesystem are added to the diskspace usage. The number of clones you can have is limited by the number of boot archives you can jam into the /grub partition, and to a lesser extent by the free space you have in the ZFS pool.
Have Fun!